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The Bashkir Vanishes?

How Bashkirs endure the intense Russian nationalism characteristic of the last decade remains to be seen.


Cold War Again: Who’s Responsible?

The East-West confrontation over Ukraine, which led to Moscow’s annexation of Crimea but long predated it, is potentially the worst international crisis in more than fifty years—and the most fateful....


Smoked Out

Yes my friends, it's finally here, a federal law prohibiting smoking indoors


A Walk With(out) Svetlana

I write this homage to Svetlana Boym from afar. The news of Svetlana’s passing found me, as many of her friends, too abruptly and too far to pay our homage...


How NATO Destabilizes Europe

As NATO has expanded since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moscow’s sphere of influence has shrunk. The result is an environment that contributes to Russia's sense that...


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