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Another Face of Soviet Nostalgia: Daniil Kharms

Taken to the limit, nostalgia for Kharms permits the union of seemingly incompatible elements — according to its logic, there is no contradiction in, say, enjoying the author's dark comedy...


Spies Like U.S.: "The Americans" and the Americans

On the face of things, "The Americans" should be pressing all sorts of buttons in the American psyche: crypto-communists! danger in the suburbs! our neighbors hate our freedoms! Moreover, since...


The Spy Who…oh, never mind.

When Ryan Fogle, Third Secretary at the American Embassy in Moscow, was arrested for attempting to recruit a Russian security-services officer, the world sat up and took notice. Then it...


In Memory of Stephen Cohen

Earlier this year, our friend and colleague Stephen Cohen passed away. His contributions to the field of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies will be felt for years to come....


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