Stephen Cohen (1938-2020): Professor Emeritus, NYU Russian and Slavic Studies
He was a marvelous colleague, helpful to the Russian Department, to the Jordan Center, and to his colleagues. I can’t recall a time when he turned us down. I want...
Triumph of the Trump
To quote the Washington Post, "Reporters thought this video was North Korea propaganda. It came from the White House."
Russians Cope with Aftermath of Cannibalism
How can you trust your neighbor when she sees you like a sausage?
The Panama Papers, Russia, and Us: A News Quiz
See how many you can get right, but the answers depend on the skills of your accountant.
Breaking News: Size Matters
How are we to understand two hundred years of Canadian (passive) aggression?
Does Stephen Cohen Have the Right to Be Outspoken? Does the ASEEES Board Have the Right to Remain Silent?
I am a member of ASEEES, a historian of the Russian Empire and the USSR, and I direct a center that is an institutional member of ASEEES. Surely I can...
It's the economy, durachok! A Snapshot of the Current Mess
Foreign policy is completely related to the economy. Internationally Russia has been finding itself less and less capable, less able to exert lasting influence.
Diaspora? What’s in It for the Russian Field?
It was a fascinating start to the Jordan Center’s Diasporas series which was held jointly with Glicksman Ireland House at NYU on 31 January – 1 February 2013.
A Semester of Diaspora at the Jordan Center
What would change if the emigration were renamed and recast as a diaspora, not to keep up with the fashion but to seriously consider what vistas it might open, what...
Gerard Shrugged, or the Newest New Russian
I am struggling to find some deeper meaning to the petulance of Gerard Depardieu, but the actor is already an idiosyncrasy.