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Thank You, Comrade Stalin, for Ben Carson

In Russia, the Dulles Plan was a pre-digital Internet meme, from back in the days when memes had to walk twenty miles in the freezing cold before finding a gullible...


Putin: Fascist or "Merely" Soviet? Part I

In many ways, Putin's regime meets the expanded definition of fascism. In recent years, Russian public discourse has become increasingly nationalistic, with Putin positioning Russia as a singular civilization locked...


Putin: Fascist or "Merely" Soviet? Part II

Putin’s worldview owes less to apocalyptic fascisms like Nazism than to his experiences as a young man working in the Soviet intelligence service. At base, he is a conservative whose...


Forcing Consensus: A Show Debate in the Early GDR

Whereas Stalin’s show trials featured confessions and executions, the aim of the show debate was to persuade the institute’s council of party members at the institute, the party-group to drop...


How Higher Education Keeps Dictators in Power

For authoritarian regimes, however, investing in universities also poses a risk. Cultivating a robust system of higher education may facilitate the development of a middle class and politically active youth...


Navalny’s Back. What Will Putin Do Next?

Shortly before Alexei Navalny's arrival at Vnukovo Airport, riot police dispersed several hundred supporters and arrested dozens before closing the airport altogether and forcing the last-minute diversion of incoming flights....


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