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Russian Internet Memes: The Short Course, Part Twelve

We are excited to announce a weekly series of 15-minute informal virtual Zoom lectures about memes and viral video on the Russian Internet, presented by our very own Eliot Borenstein....

We are excited to announce a weekly series of 15-minute informal virtual Zoom lectures about memes and viral video on the Russian Internet, presented by our very own Eliot Borenstein. Each lecture will be followed by a moderated, on-line discussion, as well as just more general chat for anyone who feels like staying on-line. The lecture will subsequently be uploaded to YouTube.

Part Twelve: Take That, Elon Musk?

In Russia eccentric billionaire inventor and investor Elon Musk is more than just an arrogant annoyance: he’s a meme.  Why are Russians invoking his name while posting images of bizarre life hacks, creating deep fake videos of him singing Soviet classics, and putting his face on rockets? This lecture will not help explain why he keeps coming up with bizarre names to inflict upon his offspring.

If you would like to attend, please email for the zoom meeting information.

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