Why “Frantsuzik”? Why “Bordeaux”? Gallophobia, Intersectionality and Colonial Anxiety in Griboedov’s Woe from Wit
Join us for the first 19v seminar this year! This talk offers a close-reading of the expression “Frantsuzik iz Bordo” (“The little Frenchman from Bordeaux”), a famous quote from Alexander Griboedov’s classic comedy Woe from Wit (Gore ot uma).
Scholars to Shamans: The Academic Roots of Buryat National Tradition in the late Soviet period
While the collapse of the Soviet Union may have been unthinkable until it actually happened, it is clear that there were significant shifts in Soviet popular culture in the 70’s and 80’s that shaped what came after the collapse.
Soviet Yogis – Who were they? Yoga and Degrowth, then and now.
The history of yoga’s metamorphoses from marginalized spiritual-militaristic tradition in India to commercialized mega-business associated with neoliberal notions of personal wellness has received a lot of scholarly attention in the West.