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"Traditional Values" Rhetoric and Efforts for Greater Domestic Violence Protections in Russia: Why Legislative Action May Not Be Enough

Pervasive domestic violence remains an ongoing human rights concern in Russia, with cases underreported and a pronounced lack of recourse and governmental support services. Efforts to address this issue have...


Amber Wars: Corruption and International Implications

While the conflict in the East has garnered much attention in the last few years, the illegal amber market plaguing Ukraine’s northwestern region is virtually unknown to the international community.


Snowden in Moscow: The Interview

"I’ve been recognized every now and then. It’s always in computer stores. It’s something like brain associations, because I’ll be in the grocery store and nobody will recognize me. Even...


Sociology of Corruption: Patterns of Illegal Association in Hungary

Since 2010, Orbán’s government has induced a radical transformation of grand corruption patterns in Hungary: a shift from oligarchic or economic state capture toward political state capture, in which complex corrupt networks are professionally designed and managed by the very top of the political elite.


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