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19v Emerging Scholars Showcase

Please join us for an event featuring graduate students in history, art history, and literature whose dissertation projects examine different aspects of 19th-century Russian culture. Each scholar will give a...

Please join us for an event featuring graduate students in history, art history, and literature whose dissertation projects examine different aspects of 19th-century Russian culture. Each scholar will give a short presentation on their work, followed by an open question and answer session. Our hope is that this snapshot of current graduate research will provide insights into possible future directions of the field.

Would you or a graduate student you know like to participate in a future 19v Emerging Scholars Showcase? Please be in touch!


Evan Alterman, Stanford University
Maria Chukcheeva, European University at St Petersburg
Luke Jeske, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
James Nadel, Columbia University
Olga Ovcharskaia, Stanford University
Chloe Papadopoulos, Yale University
Brian Yang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This event will be held virtually on Zoom

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