We are excited to announce a weekly series of 15-minute informal virtual Zoom lectures about memes and viral video on the Russian Internet, presented by our very own Eliot Borenstein. Each lecture will be followed by a moderated, on-line discussion, as well as just more general chat for anyone who feels like staying on-line. The lecture will subsequently be uploaded to YouTube.
Part Eleven: Black Lives Matter and the Problem of Russian Racist Memes
Those looking for racial sensitivity and a nuanced understanding of institutional racism could find a more congenial home than the Russian Internet. Though a number of prominent Russian Internet figures have come out strongly against distortions of the Black Lives Matter movement, the past few weeks have seen a proliferation of anti-Black racist Russian memes, often in the service of a broader attack on liberalism, tolerance, and the United States. We will discuss the historical and cultural context that makes these memes predictable, as well as the various constituencies that deploy them.
Content warning: Though Professor Borenstein will be careful to show only those memes that need to be analyzed in detail, there will, inevitably, be offensive words and images on display.
If you would like to attend, please email jordan.russia.center@nyu.edu for the zoom meeting information.