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Russian Internet Memes: The Short Course, Part Fifteen

We are excited to announce a weekly series of 15-minute informal virtual Zoom lectures about memes and viral video on the Russian Internet, presented by our very own Eliot Borenstein....

We are excited to announce a weekly series of 15-minute informal virtual Zoom lectures about memes and viral video on the Russian Internet, presented by our very own Eliot Borenstein. Each lecture will be followed by a moderated, on-line discussion, as well as just more general chat for anyone who feels like staying on-line. The lecture will subsequently be uploaded to YouTube.

Part Fifteen: Peter the Great Memes (Guest Starring Shrek)

Pushkin said that Peter the Great opened a “window to the West;” this lecture’s memes would probably make him want to close it. Given Peter’s towering presence in Russian culture, his popularity as a subject of memes should be no surprise. His frequent pairing with a green ogre from a hit Dreamworks franchise, on the other hand, only looks inevitable with the benefit of hindsight.

If you would like to attend, please email for the zoom meeting information.

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